Bone Disorders

Felty Syndrome (FS)-  Causes, Treatment, and Diagnosis.

Definition Felty syndrome is a condition that includes rheumatoid arthritis, splenomegaly (enlargement of the spleen) and granulocytopenia (decreased level of the certain type of white blood cells). In Felty syndrome, rheumatoid arthritis is seropositive, which means that rheumatoid factor can be found in the blood. This syndrome is sometimes seen …

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Spondyloarthritis (SpA)- Definition, Symptoms, Types and Treatment

Definition Spondyloarthritis (also known as spondyloarthropathy) is the term which describes the connective tissue diseases. It is the group of inflammatory diseases, including arthritis of the peripheral joints and spine (sacroiliitis or spondylitis); including the area where ligaments and tendons attach to bones (enthesitis or enthesopathy). These diseases cause pain …

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