CoronaVirus – Causes, Symptoms, and Prevention?

What is coronavirus?

A coronavirus is a group of common viruses. They are named for the crown-like spikes on the surface of the virus. Some coronaviruses only affect animals, but others can also affect humans. Most people get infected with human coronaviruses at some time in their life. This usually causes mild to moderate upper-respiratory infections, like the common cold. But they can also cause more severe illnesses such as bronchitis and pneumonia.

There are several different types of human coronaviruses, including the 2019 Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) and the Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS) and severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) coronaviruses.


Different types of human coronaviruses vary in the severity of the illness they cause and how far they can spread.

There are currently six recognized types of coronavirus that can infect humans.

Common types include:

  • 229E (alpha coronavirus)
  • NL63 (alpha coronavirus)
  • OC43 (beta coronavirus)
  • HKU1 (beta coronavirus)

Rarer, more dangerous types include MERS-CoV, which causes Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS), and severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS-CoV), the coronavirus responsible for SARS.

How coronavirus spread?

There has not been a great deal of research on how a human coronavirus spreads from one person to the next.

However, it is believed that viruses transmit using secreted fluid from the respiratory system.

Coronaviruses can spread in the following ways:

  • Coughing and sneezing without covering the mouth can disperse droplets into the air, spreading the virus.
  • Touching or shaking hands with a person that has the virus can pass the virus from one person to another.
  • Making contact with a surface or object that has the virus and then touching your nose, eyes, or mouth.
  • On rare occasions, a coronavirus may spread through contact with feces.

People in the U.S. are more likely to contract the disease in the winter or fall. The disease is still active during the rest of the year. Young people are most likely to contract a coronavirus, and people can contract more than one infection over the course of a lifetime. Most people will become infected with at least one coronavirus in their life.

It is said that the mutating abilities of the coronavirus are what make it so contagious.

Symptoms of coronavirus

Cold- or flu-like symptoms usually set in from two to four days after coronavirus infection, and they are typically mild.

Symptoms include:

  • Sneezing
  • A runny nose
  • Fatigue
  • A cough
  • In rare cases, fever
  • A sore throat
  • Exacerbated asthma


In advanced cases, the patient can have very serious complications, which can lead to death, such as:

  • Severe pneumonia
  • Renal (Kidney) failure
  • Coronavirus infection is similar to the common cold and typically affects the upper respiratory tract
  • It finally leads to death


Your healthcare provider may order laboratory tests on respiratory specimens and serum (part of your blood) to detect human coronaviruses. Laboratory testing is more likely to be used if you have severe disease or are suspected of having MERS.

If you are experiencing symptoms, you should tell your healthcare provider about any recent travel or contact with animals. Most MERS-CoV infections have been reported from countries in the Arabian Peninsula. Therefore reporting a travel history or contact with camels or camel products is very important when trying to diagnose MERS.

Treatment for coronavirus

There is no vaccine for coronavirus. To help prevent a coronavirus infection, do the same things you do to avoid the common cold:

  • Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and warm water or with an alcohol-based hand sanitizer.
  • Keep your hands and fingers away from your eyes, nose, and mouth.
  • Avoid close contact with people who are infected.

You treat a coronavirus infection the same way you treat a cold:

  • Get plenty of rest.
  • Drink fluids.
  • Take over-the-counter medicine for a sore throat and fever. But don’t give aspirin to children or teens younger than 19; use ibuprofen or acetaminophen instead.

A humidifier or steamy shower can also help ease a sore and scratchy throat.

Even when a coronavirus causes MERS or SARS in other countries, the kind of coronavirus infection common in the U.S. isn’t a serious threat for an otherwise healthy adult. If you get sick, treat your symptoms and contact a doctor if they get worse or don’t go away.

Home Remedies

When you swallow a couple of pills, you may not be aware of what else it might lead to future adverse effects on the body. But treating diseases through natural, non-processed food diet is a gentle way to build a healthy body.

Here are home remedies to fight the symptoms of the coronavirus attack. You can chase the Wuhan Pneumonia with these healthy food recipes.

Four Tea that attacks coronavirus

  • Lemon Tea – Kills the sore throat removes the infection from the passageway
  • Ginger Tea – Eases your headaches caused by the respiratory infections
  • Lemon Honey Tea – Soothes your airway passage and softens your rough coughs
  • Mint Tea – Stops the runny nose and helps in easy breathing

To curb the infection of the coronavirus, detoxification is important. This virus attack is contagious and if you don’t want to be a victim of Wuhan pneumonia, it is best you remove toxins from your body.

Detoxifying recipes to stay free from infections

  • Dissolve 1-2 tsp of honey in 1 cup of herbal tea (Herbs like madhuyashti, basil, peppermint, vasa)
  • Prepare salads using detoxifying foods such as beetroot, radishes, cabbage, and broccoli. Boil and mix them gently, if you wish a cooked meal.
  • Yoga is another way to detoxify your body. It is a healthy form of cleansing your body and mind.

Can coronavirus infections be prevented?

Right now, there aren’t any vaccines to prevent human coronavirus infections. But you may able to reduce your risk of getting or spreading an infection by

  • Washing hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds
  • Avoiding touching your face, nose, or mouth with unwashed hands
  • Avoiding close contact with people who are sick
  • Cleaning and disinfecting surfaces that you frequently touch
  • Covering coughs and sneezes with a tissue. Then throw away the tissue and wash your hands.
  • Staying home when sick

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  1. where is the disease origin?

  2. tomato juice and vegatable salt kills bacteria from tainted meat.

  3. which Food material affect of spread this disease ? to fast ways?


    Corona virus is found on exotic food like rats,bats and etc. they can stay on metal for 12 hours. to prevent it use face mask,disinfect hands with rubbing alcohol,and avoid touching face.

  5. Wearing a mask isn’t a good idea at all b/c it is a virus which can even pass through a porcelain filter paper. We should find some unique techniques in order to avoid Corona virus.

  6. Kenneth Daniel Tommy

    is this the first outbreak of this viral outbreak?

  7. transfer throw sex?

  8. sani ibrahim Gamagiwa

    proper personal and enviromental hygeine is the best prevention measure

  9. Muhammad Faris Hanif

    This is a very dangerous infection which is spreading in a very fast/quick way. Safety measures must be adopted/practiced without any compromise as directed by your physician/health experts in order to protect yourself & your loved ones from this unstoppable virus. (Religion Islam had that’s why set remarkable guidelines for its followers (Muslims) to distinguish between what’s good and what’s bad and taught in detail about Halal & Haram thing to protect themselves from these viruses!!!

  10. Alhaji Afolabi Adesina

    It’s quite informative and educative. I appreciate dat

  11. Kandhkoti Dr Anil Ghai

    it is very best way to be vegetarian…so many viral & bacterial diseases transfers through animals birds & insects also ….& eco diversity will be maintained

  12. what’s the cure?

    • There is no vaccine for coronavirus. To help prevent a coronavirus infection, do the same things you do to avoid the common cold:
      Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and warm water or with an alcohol-based hand sanitizer.
      Keep your hands and fingers away from your eyes, nose, and mouth.
      Avoid close contact with people who are infected.

  13. eat slot of hit vegetables, melons, and always drink bot water, finally do Sloto of physical excises.

  14. corona virus where it is originated?

    • The coronavirus epidemic in China probably originated at a market in the central Chinese city of Wuhan where bats, snakes, and other wild animals were traded in addition to fish. The virus was transmitted from animals to humans. Since then the virus has been transmitted from person to person.

  15. COVID19 is very contagious and dangerous. wash your hands with warm water and soap very often daily, avoid crowded areas, vitamin D and C may help reduce infection if happened.

  16. Sebghatullah Natory

    it is very useful note, how long the viros be live in surface out of hosted person body. In which temperatures the viros have resistance.

    • A new analysis found that the virus can remain viable in the air for up to 3 hours, on copper for up to 4 hours, on cardboard up to 24 hours and on plastic and stainless steel up to 72 hours. It doesn’t remain active for as long at temperatures higher than 86 degrees Fahrenheit (30 degrees Celsius).

  17. Eseyin Theophilus Olaoluwa

    Remdesivir, an RVD drug has been said to have the high rate of strength to manage patients with the disease called Coronavirus

  18. Some people are say Corona viruse spread only above 26 degree temperature. It is true or not?

  19. when are there going to be a cure for this soon I hope cause I have sugar and other stuff that is why I’m worry about this stuff

  20. Your Gladys ChibaleName

    I work with one Chinese who recently came from China. but doesn’t seem to show any symptoms. It’s over a week since he came, I’m just worried my daughter has developed a cough and running nose.

  21. Ginger with honey in hot water is unbelievable good.Drink it twice daily .

  22. Stop eating uncooked meet, do like Africans cooked well before you eat anything.

  23. corona virus does it have RNA or DNA materials?

  24. if corona has been there for some years, why currently become more affecting humans???

    • The first outbreak of Corona virus (SARS-CoV-2) which was first identified in December 2019 in Wuhan, China. Since then, the virus has spread to other countries, inside and outside of Asia, leading the World Health Organization (WHO) to declare this as a pandemic.

  25. carnivorous disease is very dangerous so you all should take care of your self by; avoide crowds places , healthy food, slots of soft natural drinks , even deep salty water should be used as nose irrigation and mouth wash so to elemenate and reduse infection .Thanks alot

  26. Your Name Ebenezer Asare

    Is good for you to stay home

  27. Your Name Daniel R. Ongubo

    coronavirus is really threatening disease in the world which has no cure.Let’s pray and fast to our God what about those families covering themselves using one blanket at night advise.

  28. from the information we now have about coronavarus, one will begin to wander the reason behind all the alarm rised and it adverse impact on world economy.

  29. so how far has the research institute gone on curbing this infection?

  30. What is the cause of this present day Corona virus

  31. I want to know the major source of this Corona virus. covid19

  32. Your Name M Kondowe

    in tropical africa is there a big threat like in cold places of europe?

  33. The article is quite educative thus alleviates the fear of contacting it. Strict adherence to the preventive measures will go a long way in preventing the spread.

  34. infected patient’s with corona virus can recover completely and can’t couse new infection to others? and for how long that patient allowed to stay with others after being recovered?

    • On average, a person who is infected with SARS-CoV-2 will feel ill for about seven days from the onset of symptoms. Even after symptoms disappear, there still may be small amounts of the virus in a patient’s system, and they should stay isolated for an additional three days to ensure they have truly recovered and are no longer infectious.

  35. I thank you for the health talk,I learnt from it and it has increased my understanding about coronavirus.

  36. what is the prevention of corona virus

  37. can those affected be treated and get well

    • Currently, no antiviral medication is recommended to treat COVID-19. Treatment is directed at relieving symptoms and may include:

      Pain relievers (ibuprofen or acetaminophen), Cough syrup or medication, Rest, Fluid intake

  38. I am happy about the knowledge lget l will help or educate others about Covid19

  39. I quite appreciate all your comments. they are educative. Take more of ginger, garlic
    , tumeric lime/lemon and honey

  40. My Kenyan what i can advise you is to be in prayer all the time coz that virus is like cursed heven ad if we will reaped God will protect us ad will be safed AMEN.

  41. This a very useful and comprehensive information and guidelines on this dreaded virus. Thanks.

  42. can it spread through kissing??

  43. let educate Ghanaians and world that lemon, ginger,and honey can help reduce common cold so use it.

  44. lemon, ginger and honey can help.

  45. This new strain of the virus is currently spreading at an alarming rate, we’re requesting the research team to fasten there belts in attempts to contain the situation. countries and especially developing countries are at a greater risk both economically and health wise

  46. Your Name Seher Sethi

    it can affect people except form animals I think animals have that capabilities to fight with them like gene or chemical so if we can find them we can finish it off. animals like rat and bat they have these deases but still they are surviving so can make antidose of it

  47. Your Name Seher Sethi

    corona virus has infected many animals except animals I think they have chemical or antibodies which can fight with it we can save people . ?and ? has this diease but they are still surviving .

  48. Your Name Jedidiah Aberdeen

    Just a suggestion. not a medical person.

    Try using. Refampceiline to suppress the bacterial cells holding the virus. Also back it with Anabendazole .
    Liquidify the Refampceiline fast effect on respiratory system.

  49. Does it comes from creatures?

    • There is strong evidence that the virus originated in bats. The biggest mystery remains how it got from bats to people. Researchers overwhelmingly think that it’s a wild virus, which probably passed to people through an intermediate species.

  50. is it possible to be re-infectedagain ,after you get cured, or be negative ?

  51. From My point of view, a patient that recovered from Covid-19 is no longer Contagious or, after recovery they may have to stay in isolation forever. During the period of infection, the body immune system rose to fight this strange invader and produce antibody against it. This may not be enough to fight the infection, but addition of other drugs like Vitamin C will boost the immune system while other drugs like Zinc etc play their roles till when the patient recover. There is reduction in the level of the virus in the body system of the patient who may be a healthy carrier, may transmit infection only when symptomatic.

  52. This CoVid-19 virus seems no different from the common (STD’s) currently being passed around from infected individuals who don’t care or don’t know that these Viruses have taken over their bodies cellular-structures turning them into Host for their remaining life that compromises the longevity of each individual that has been subsequently infected by their own choices as a consequence…

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