Definition Myelofibrosis is a disorder that affects bone marrow, which produces blood cells. This disorder will result in the growth of scar tissue in bone marrow and blood cells cannot develop properly. MF patients have low blood cell, white blood and platelet counts lead to anemia, neutropenia and thrombocytopenia, fatigue, …
Read More »Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) – Causes and Symptoms.
Definition Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome is an acute diffuse lung disease. It happens when fluid is filled with air sacs (alveoli) in your lungs. It leads to increased pulmonary vascular permeability; enormous fluid in the lungs will lower the oxygen level in your bloodstream. This eventually makes the organ to …
Read More »Meconium Aspiration Syndrome (MAS) – Symptoms, and Treatment.
Definition The Meconium aspiration syndrome is a respiratory disorder occurring in the newborn babies. MAS develops when the meconium is inhaled by the babies when they are in the womb or during the labor. Due to which meconium is trapped in the airways and lungs that causes suffocation during respiration. …
Read More »Infant Respiratory Distress Syndrome – Definition, and Complications.
Definition Infant respiratory distress syndrome (IRDS) is a lung disorder that complicates the breathing process of newborns. This disorder is more common in premature infants. It occurs due to insufficient surfactant in the lungs. A surfactant is composed of proteins and fats, which helps the lungs to be inflated and …
Read More »Hives or Urticaria – Definition, Causes, Treatment and Prevention
Definition Hives are medically known as urticaria, it appears on any part of the skin. It causes itchy welts from small to big blotches for various inched in diameter. It is caused by some allergic reactions. It is formed by the responsibilities of histamine that causes tissues to swell and …
Read More »Rabies in Dogs – Symptoms, Complications, and Diagnosis.
Introduction Rabies in Dogs – The rabies virus is a lethal and rapid-acting single-stranded RNA virus from the family Rhabdoviridae which affects the mammalian animal’s central nervous system and finally leads to acute encephalitis. There are two forms of rabies called, furious and paralytic. Initially, rabies begins as a furious …
Read More »Paget’s Disease – Definition, Risk factors, Symptoms, and Prevention.
Definition Paget’s disease is also known as osteitis deformans and Paget disease. It is a localized disorder occurs during bone remodeling. In this disease, the normal cycle of bone renewal is disrupted due to the abnormal activity of osteoclast cells. Due to which the extreme resorption of bone by osteoclast …
Read More »Acromegaly – Definition, Complications and Management.
Definition Acromegaly is a term comes from Greek words ‘extremities’ (acro) and ‘great’ (megaly). Acromegaly is an endocrine disorder in which the pituitary gland over secretes the growth hormones (GH) into the bloodstream. It is due to the presence of tumor in the pituitary gland. During this malfunction of the …
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