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Preeclampsia – Definition, Causes, and Treatment.


Preeclampsia is defined as the presence of a systolic blood pressure (SBP) greater than or equal to 140 mm Hg or a diastolic blood pressure (DBP) greater than or equal to 90 mm Hg or higher, on two occasions at least 4 hours apart in a previously normotensive patient. If the preeclampsia remains untreated, it can develop into eclampsia, in which the mother can experience convulsions, coma, and can even die. However, complications from preeclampsia are extremely rare if the mother attends her prenatal appointments.


The pathophysiology of preeclampsia likely involves both maternal and fetal/placental factors. Abnormalities in the development of placental vasculature early in pregnancy may result in relative placental underperfusion/hypoxia/ischemia, which then leads to release of antiangiogenic factors into the maternal circulation that alter maternal systemic endothelial function and cause hypertension and other manifestations of the disease (hematologic, neurologic, cardiac, pulmonary, renal, and hepatic dysfunction). However, the trigger for abnormal placental development and the subsequent cascade of events remains unknown.

Causes pertaining to Preeclampsia

Potential causes are being explored. These include:

Risk factors for Preeclampsia

There are also risk factors that can increase your chances of developing preeclampsia. These include:

Clinical manifestations of Preeclampsia

Signs and symptoms of preeclampsia include:

Many of these signs and symptoms are common discomforts of pregnancy.

Complications associated with Preeclampsia

Diagnosis and Test

All women who present with new-onset hypertension should have the following tests:

Additional studies to perform if HELLP syndrome is suspected are as follows:

Imaging Techniques

  1. Sudden severe headaches
  2. Focal neurologic deficits
  3. Seizures with a prolonged postictal state
  4. Atypical presentation for eclampsia

Treatment and Medications for Preeclampsia

Natural or Home Remedies


If you are used to its juice, you have already found a wonderful way to hydrate your body, in addition to water. Get fresh lemon juice and combine it with warm water. Drink the mixture 2-3 times on a daily basis.


One surprising fact about ginger root is that it prevents inflammation and swelling very effectively. Ginger has stimulating effects on blood circulation, which means that your baby will get more blood and oxygen as well.


Garlic is one of some natural foods with the greatest effects on high blood pressure. Our body has the higher level of hydrogen sulfide and nitric oxide. These substances possess relaxing effects on our blood vessels, which means that preeclampsia pain is under control.


Being an excellent source of calcium, beet plays an important role in maintaining the balance of potassium and sodium in our blood. You should consume fresh beet juice by blending it every day to benefit the most from this natural ingredient.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C plays an essential role in human health, not to mention pregnant women. It is the key to a strong immunity, which ensures a lower risk of different infections. You can go for tomatoes, cabbage, potatoes, strawberries, bananas or citrus fruits.


Among various nutrients, potassium is one of many irreplaceable. The appearance of potassium-rich foods in meals is a great suggestion for those who want to prevent preeclampsia. Some outstanding examples of these foods are bananas, avocados, chicken or beans.

Vitamin E

Another type of vitamin that is required in the treatment and prevention for preeclampsia is vitamin E. It is effective to improve blood circulation and reduce the risk of swelling. According to the National Institute of Health, pregnant women should take in about 15 mg on a daily basis. Vitamins E can be found in a variety of foods, for example, almonds, corn or fish.


Acupuncture has great influence on the blood circulation inside our body, which reduces the risks of high blood pressure significantly. Of course, it should be applied only with the help of professionals. And you had better not abuse this method to cope with preeclampsia pain. Every time you intend to do this, please talk to your doctor for the best advice.

Prevention of Preeclampsia

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