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Koilonychia – Definition, Treatment. and Prevention.


Koilonychia is a condition where the nails do not develop normally and are very thin and concaved with raised edges. Due to the concavity of the nails, they are also known as “spoon” nails. Other than the concavity, koilonychia also affects the texture, color, shape, and thickness of the nails. Koilonychia can affect both fingernails as well as toenails. Koilonychia is quite a common nail abnormality where the nail plate that normally has a convex contour becomes concave in the center with upturned or raised lateral and distal margins. In Koilonychia, nails also become very brittle and thin. The affected nails in koilonychia take a long time to get back to their normal appearance. Koilonychia or Spoon Nails.

Koilonychia (Spoon’s nails)

Risk factors of Koilonychia


These are few of the primary causes of spoon nails:

Symptoms of Koilonychia

Koilonychia in different age groups

Diagnosis and test

Treatment and medications

Once recognized, you will need to manage your condition as quickly as possible.

Methods for treating or preventing include:

Other helpful measures include:

Prevention of Koilonychia

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