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Ascariasis – Transmission, Manifestations, and Prevention.


Ascariasis is a parasitosis of the small intestine caused by one of two worm nematodes (family Ascarididae): Ascaris lumbricoides Linnaeus, 1758, which typically infects humans, and A. suum Goeze, 1782, which is generally found in pigs. The two species are morphologically very similar and both can cause cross infections in each of the hosts.

Morphology of A. lumbricoides eggs

A. lumbricoides is the largest intestinal nematode of man. The female worms are larger than the males and can measure 40 cm in length and 6 mm in diameter. They are white or pink and are tapered at both ends.

A. lumbricoides

Here is the specific classification of Ascaris lumbricoides:

Domain – Eukarya

Phylum – Nematoda

Order – Asaridida

Family – Ascaridoidea

Genus – Ascaris

Species – lumbricoides

Transmission of Ascariasis


History information

The anatomy of A. lumbricoides was first described by Edward Tyson in 1683.  However, at that time it was known as Lumbricus teres not A. lumbricoides. It was actually Linnaeus, who renamed Ascaris and gave it its current name. Linnaeus named the roundworm Ascaris lumbricoides because it showed very similar morphology as that of the earthworm, Lumbricus terrestrias.

Then in 1917, Brayton Ransom and Winthrop Foster were able to document the actual life cycle of Ascaris.  Afterwards in 1922, Shimesu Koino experimented on himself and his younger brother in order to describe the clinical disease produced by Ascaris.  Koino worked with both A. lumbricoides and A. suum.

He swallowed 2000 A. lumbricoides eggs, and he made his younger brother swallow 500 A. suum   larvae.  Koino became very ill for the experiment but luckily no lasting damage occurred, and his brother did not suffer from as severe a disease.

Specifically, in this daring self-experiment, Koino showed that a pneumonia-like syndrome can develop during early infection with Ascaris.  He also discovered that this syndrome was caused by migration of larvae through the lungs to the stomach.

Epidemiology, Prevalence and Incidence

Ascariasis plagues more people in the world than any other parasitic infection.  Some estimate that as many as 1-1.5 billion people or approximately 1 out of 4 people are infected with Ascaris.  In some tropical areas, 100% of the population have Ascaris.

Ascariasis tends to occur more commonly in places where sanitation is minimal and human feces is used to fertilize crops.  As a result, the majority of Ascaris infections are concentrated in the developing world.  Approximately, 59 million people are at risk of morbidity or clinical illness from Ascaris.

Children are more likely to be infected and have higher levels of worms.  1.5 million Children with Ascaris infections will suffer from irreversible growth retardation.  While death from Ascaris is rare, approximately 10,000 people die from Ascaris each year. Males tend to be more infected then females, due to behavioral habits that make it more likely for them to ingest soil.

Causes of Ascariasis

Risk factors

Clinical manifestations of Ascariasis

Many people have few or no symptoms. Often the first symptom is live worms being passed in the stool or occasionally from the mouth, anus or nose.

Roundworms in your lungs can cause:

Roundworms in your intestines can cause:

Complications associated with Ascariasis

Most cases of Ascariasis are mild and don’t cause major problems. However, heavy infestations can spread to other parts of the body and lead to dangerous complications. They can include:

Tests and diagnosis

Stool tests

Mature female ascariasis worms in your intestine begin laying eggs. These eggs travel through your digestive system and eventually can be found in your stool.

To diagnose ascariasis, your doctor will examine your stool for the microscopic eggs and larvae. But eggs won’t appear in stool until at least 40 days after you’re infected. And if you’re infected with only male worms, you won’t have eggs.

Blood tests

Your blood can be tested for the presence of an increased number of a certain type of white blood cell, called eosinophils. Ascariasis can elevate your eosinophils, but so can other types of health problems.

Imaging tests

Treatments and drugs

Typically, only infections that cause symptoms need to be treated. In some cases, ascariasis will resolve on its own.


Anti-parasite medications are the first line of treatment against ascariasis. The most common are:

These medications, taken for one to three days, kill the adult worms. Side effects include mild abdominal pain or diarrhea.`


In cases of heavy infestation, surgery may be necessary to remove worms and repair damage they’ve caused. Intestinal obstruction or perforation, bile duct obstruction, and appendicitis are complications that may require surgery.

Prevention of Ascariasis

The best strategies for preventing ascariasis include

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