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Andropause – Causes, Symptoms and Treatment.


Andropause is a condition that is associated with the decrease in the male hormone testosterone. It is unlike menopause in that the decrease in testosterone and the development of symptoms is more gradual than what occurs in women. Approximately 30% of men in their 50s will experience symptoms of andropause caused by low testosterone levels.



Although all women undergo menopause, it is uncertain in every man experiences symptomatic decline in circulating androgen with aging. Prevalence of andropause caries extensively depending on the age group of the study population as well as the diagnostic criteria used. it has however been estimated that on the average, about 50% of healthy men above the age of 60 years have serum bioavailable testosterone levels that are below the lower limit of normal for men aged 20-40 years.

Risk factors of andropause


Symptoms of andropause





Diagnosis and test

To make the diagnosis of male menopause, the doctor will:

Treatment and medications                                                                               

Replacing testosterone in the blood is the most common treatment for men going through andropause: This treatment may provide relief from the symptoms and help improve the quality of life in many cases. Lifestyle changes such as increased exercise, stress reduction, and good nutrition also help. Your doctor will help you decide if testosterone treatment is right in your situation, as treatment does have risks.

Testosterone is available in a variety of different preparations including skin patches, capsules, gels, and injections: Your doctor will help determine which treatment is best for you and will often consider your lifestyle when making this decision. Follow-up visits with your doctor will be important after the initial treatment begins. At follow-up visits, your doctor will check your response to the treatment and make adjustments, if necessary.

Skin patches: People who wear a patch containing testosterone receive the hormone through the skin. The patch allows a slow, steady release of testosterone into the blood stream. It is applied once a day to a dry area of skin on the back, abdomen, upper arms, or thighs.

Testosterone gel: This treatment is also applied directly to the skin, usually on the arms. Because the gel may transfer to other individuals through skin contact, a person must take care to wash the gel from the hands after each application.

Capsules: Taken twice daily after meals, this is yet another option for testosterone replacement. Men with liver disease, poor liver function, serious heart or kidney disease, or too much calcium in their blood should avoid testosterone capsules.

Testosterone injections: This treatment involves injections of testosterone (testosterone cypionate* and testosterone enanthate) in the muscle every 2 to 4 weeks. They may cause mood swings due to changes in testosterone levels. Men with severe heart disease, severe kidney disease, or too much calcium in their blood should avoid testosterone cypionate. Men with severe kidney disease should not take testosterone enanthate.

Testosterone should not be taken by any man with prostate or breast cancer. If you have heart disease, are taking some medications such as blood thinners, have an enlarged prostate, or have kidney or liver disease, you will need to discuss with your doctor whether or not testosterone therapy is right for you.

Prevention of andropause

It is a fact that decline in testosterone levels with increasing age occurs in all men. Some current studies suggest that smoking and high cholesterol level may increase the risks for early andropause. Therefore, you should quit smoking and target at better cholesterol level control for prevention. Regular exercise will also help to maintain the muscle and bone mass.

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