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Onychauxis – Overview, Symptoms, and Prevention.

nail fungus


Onychauxis is a nail condition that presents thickened nails without structural deformity. It is also known as nail hypertrophy or hypertrophic nails. Onychauxis is more prevalent in the elderly people and can occur in either, toenails or fingernails. Many times, in fact, onychauxis is a natural part of aging. It is easy to see how a client or a tech could overlook the condition as harmless and treat it as little more than an unsightly growth of the nail. However, onychauxis can be a secondary symptom of a larger problem, so it shouldn’t be dismissed too easily.

Onychauxis causes

Onychauxis may be the result of several conditions or issues. Your doctor can diagnose what the underlying issue for your abnormal nail growth is.

The most common causes for onychauxis include:

Who is at risk for developing Onychauxis?

You are more likely to contract nail fungus from:

You may also be more likely to contract nail fungus if you have a pre-existing medical condition, such as:

Cancer treatments may increase the likelihood of developing nail fungus. If you have a pre-existing condition and develop fungus, it’s very important to treat it as soon as possible.

What symptoms accompany Onychauxis?



A doctor will look at a person’s medical history and examine their nails. If their thick nails are due to an underlying condition, the doctor may prescribe further therapies to help address the new symptom.

For those with fungal infections, the doctor may need to swab under the nail or take a clipping to test for fungal growth. It is important to diagnose a fungal infection early to curtail it quickly.

Onychauxis treatment

Treatment for onychauxis falls into two main categories:

There isn’t standard treatment for this condition. Instead, your doctor will decide a course of action based on a suspected cause and your specific symptoms.

It’s important to note that you don’t have to treat this condition unless it becomes painful and interferes with your day-to-day activities. However, many individuals will seek out a treatment or diagnosis for an underlying condition because the nails may be unsightly.

Medical treatments for onychauxis

Treat underlying conditions. If you have this nail growth issue, your doctor may want to identify potential issues that could be causing it. In some cases, there isn’t an underlying issue, but if one can be found, it can be treated. Treatment means the thick growths and discoloration may stop.

Removal of the affected nail. In extreme cases, your doctor may choose to remove a portion or all of the thickened nail. This is an option when the nail becomes so thick you experience severe pain and can’t properly care for it on your own anymore.

Home remedy options

Prevention of Onychauxis:

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