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Chalazion- Causes, Treatment and Prevention


A chalazion is a swollen bump on the eyelid. It happens when the eyelid’s oil gland clogs up. It may start as an internal hordeolum (stye). At first, you might not know you have a chalazion as there is little or no pain. But as it grows, your eyelid may get red, swollen, and sometimes tender to touch. If the chalazion gets large, it can press on your eye and cause blurry vision. Rarely, the whole eyelid might swell.

Chalazion in the upper eyelid 

What is the difference between a stye and a chalazion?

Sometimes it can be difficult to tell the difference between a stye and a chalazion.

A stye is very painful. It often appears at the eyelid’s edge, usually caused by an infected eyelash root. It often swells, sometimes affecting the entire eyelid.

A chalazion is not usually painful. It is a bump that usually develops farther back on the eyelid than a stye. It is caused by a clogged oil gland. Rarely it makes the entire eyelid swell.

Chalazion vs Hordeolum (Stye)

Chalazion Hordeolum (Stye)
Symptoms Red, painless swelling Painful red bump with the white head on the lid margin
Duration Chronic (weeks/months) Acute (a week)
Common causes Rosacea, seborrheic dermatitis Staphylococcal infection
Pathology Granulomatous inflammation Infection (pus)

Risk factors

Risk factors include:

Causes of chalazion

The chalazion is a blocked gland in an eyelid


The most common symptoms of a chalazion are:

Complications of chalazion

Diagnosis and test

A chalazion is best diagnosed by your eye doctor, who can advise you on treatment options. Necessary testing might include:

Patient history to determine symptoms and the presence of any general health problems that may be contributing to the eye problem.

External examination of the eye, including lid structure, skin texture, and eyelash appearance.

Evaluation of the lid margins, the base of the eyelashes and oil gland openings using bright light and magnification


No treatment may be necessary as up to half of people get better without any treatment. This can take between two and six months but if the chalazion is not causing you any problems, it is probably best just to watch and wait.

Hot compresses help to ease discomfort. Hold a clean flannel that has been in hot water gently but firmly against the closed eye for 5-10 minutes, 3-4 times a day. Sometimes this warmth and slight pressure are enough to soften the contents of the fluid-filled swelling (cyst), helping it drain more easily. (The water should be hot but comfortable and not scalding.)

Antibiotic ointments, drops, and medicines are not recommended as they do not make any difference – the contents of the cyst are infection-free (sterile).

Massage of the cyst after using a hot compress can encourage the cyst to drain. Do this gently, with a clean finger or cotton bud, in the direction of the eyelashes.

Cleaning the eyelid twice per day removes grease and dead skin cells that may contribute to cysts forming. A weak solution of baby shampoo in warm water is ideal.

A small surgery is an option if it is troublesome or persistent. Your GP can refer you to an eye surgeon (ophthalmologist) for this. The operation is usually done under local anesthetic, although children and some adults may not tolerate this and may require the general anesthetic. The eyelid is numbed. A small cut is then made on the inside of the eyelid to release the contents of the cyst and it is scraped out. After surgery antibiotic drops or ointment are commonly prescribed.

Chalazion surgery


Prevention of chalazion

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