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Canker Sore – Causes, Complications, and Prevention.


A canker sore, or aphthous ulcer, is an open and painful mouth ulcer or sore. It’s also the most common type of mouth ulcer. Some people notice them inside their lips or cheeks. They’re usually white or yellow and surrounded by red, inflamed soft tissue. Since canker sores are not caused by a bacteria or virus, they cannot be spread from one person to another. The most common sores are 1/8” to 1/4“in diameter, although so-called “major” ulcers may be 1/2” or larger.


Canker sores often run in families. They also are linked with other diseases, including Behcet’s syndrome. You may have only one canker sore at a time, or many of them all at once. Most people get one, two or three sores at a time. But some people have 10 or more at a time. People who get canker sores typically have them a few times each year. Canker sores are not contagious.


Canker sores in the lip

Types of canker sores

Epidemiology of Canker sores

Canker sores are one of the most common oral irritations, and it has been estimated that somewhere between 20% and 60% of the population have had canker sores at one time or another. These lesions affect all age groups, but people in their teens and 20’s are more likely to develop them. Women are more prone to suffer from canker sores than men. Canker sores may also run in families but they are not contagious.

Causes of canker sore

Risk factors and complications included

There are a number of different risk factors that can play a role (either alone or in combination) in triggering canker sore outbreaks. They include:

Mechanical trauma

A canker sore’s formation is often preceded by some type of tissue damage. This might be an accidental self-inflicted bite, irritation caused by the sharp edge of a tooth that needs repair, trauma from food (like a crisp chip) or even just overenthusiastic tooth brushing.

Psychological stress

Dietary issues

Canker sore outbreaks may be associated with nutritional deficiencies. Some of the vitamins and nutrients thought to be involved are:

Food allergies

Sensitivities to some foods (as well as some other substances) seem to be triggers for outbreaks. These items include:

Sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS):

If your canker sore is left untreated for a few weeks or more, you may experience other, more serious complications, such as:

How to diagnose and Test canker sore

Tests aren’t needed to diagnose canker sores. Your doctor or dentist can identify them with a visual exam. In some cases, you may have tests to check for other health problems, especially if your canker sores are severe and ongoing.

How to treat canker sore

Minor apthae usually self-resolve within 7 to 10 days however, some products can be used to provide temporary relief of pain.

  1. Topical anesthetics like benzocaine or lidocaine (Orajel, Zilactin B) can be applied to the ulcer using a Q-tip 4 times a day before meals and at bedtime for up to 1 week. These products only provide short-term relief lasting for around 30 mins.
  2. Oral anesthetics – Acetaminophen (Tylenol) is recommended for pain relief and should be dosed according to the dosing instructions on the label. In any case, the maximum recommended dose should not be exceeded. Anti-inflammatory pain relievers like Ibuprofen (Advil), Naproxen (Aleve) or Aspirin should be avoided since they may worsen the ulcers.
  3. Protectants – using topical products with hydroxypropyl cellulose or carboxymethylcellulose (Orabase paste) can provide temporary pain relief by forming a barrier over the ulcer and preventing irritation.
  4. You may try an over-the-counter topical pain reliever like Anbesol, or your medical provider may prescribe a prescription anesthetic agent in certain cases.
  5. You can mix equal amounts of Milk of Magnesia and Benadryl (diphenhydramine) Allergy liquid. After it is mixed, you can swish a teaspoonful in your mouth for about one minute and then spit it out. If you do this every 4 to 6 hours, your canker sore may hurt less.
  6. Advil (ibuprofen) 200mg 2 tabs by mouth every 4-6 hours or Tylenol (acetaminophen) 325mg 2 tabs every 4-6 hours may be used as needed.
  7. Over-the-counter cleansing agents such as Glyoxide may also be used or simple rinses with mild salt water or other commercial mouthwashes.
  8. Be careful not to irritate the sore with sharp food (e.g. tortilla chips) or toothbrushes, and avoid very spicy or citrus foods which may increase pain.

Prevention of Canker sore

Since stress is one of the causes of canker sores, relaxation and stress reduction can significantly reduce occurrence

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