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Albinism: causes, symptoms, treatment and prevention


Albinism includes a group of inherited disorders that are characterized by little or no production of the pigment melanin. The type and amount of melanin your body produces determines the color of your skin, hair and eyes. Most people with albinism are sensitive to sun exposure and are at increased risk of developing skin cancer.



The occurrence rate of albinism in our study was 20.4% of genodermatoses patients and 1 per 5843 patients attending the Pediatric hospital. Consanguineous marriage was reported among parents of 66.37% of patients and positive family history was reported in 46.01% of patients. Complete OCA was detected in 48.59% of patients, partial albinism in 41.59% of patients and syndromic albinism was detected in 7.96%. Associated genomic errors were detected in 36.28% of our albino patients and seventy-one multiple mutant genomic errors were defined among relatives of thirty-seven index families of oculocutaneous albinism patients.

Types of Albinism

Types of albinism, based mainly on which mutated gene caused the disorder, include:

Oculocutaneous albinism: Oculocutaneous (ok-u-low-Ku-TAY-nee-us) albinism is caused by a mutation in one of four genes. People with oculocutaneous albinism (OCA) type 1 have milky white skin, white hair and blue eyes at birth. Some people with OCA type 1 never experience an increase in pigmentation, but others begin to produce melanin during early childhood. Their hair may become a golden blond, brown or red, and their irises may change color and lose some translucence.

OCA type 2 is most common in sub-Saharan Africans, African-Americans, and Native Americans. The hair may be yellow, auburn, ginger or red, the eyes can be blue-gray or tan, and the skin is white at birth. With sun exposure, the skin may, over time, develop freckles, moles or lentigines.

People with OCA type 3, mainly found in black South Africans, usually have reddish-brown skin, ginger or reddish hair, and hazel or brown eyes. OCA type 4 looks similar to type 2 and is most often found in people of East Asian descent.

X-linked ocular albinism: The cause of X-linked ocular albinism, which occurs almost exclusively in males, is a gene mutation on the X chromosome. People who have ocular albinism have vision problems, but their skin, hair and eye color are generally in the normal range or slightly lighter than that of others in the family.

Hermansky-Pudlak syndrome: Hermansky-Pudlak syndrome is a rare albinism disorder caused by a mutation in one of at least eight different genes. The disorder is much more common in Puerto Rico. People with this disorder have signs and symptoms similar to people with oculocutaneous albinism, but they may also develop lung and bowel diseases, or a bleeding disorder.

Chediak-Higashi syndrome: Chediak-Higashi syndrome is a rare form of albinism associated with a mutation in the LYST gene. With signs and symptoms similar to oculocutaneous albinism, the hair is usually brown or blond with a silvery sheen, and the skin is usually creamy white to grayish. People with this syndrome have a defect in white blood cells that increases their risk of infections.

Risk factors


Symptoms of Albinism

People with albinism will have the following symptoms:

Albinism occurs with vision problems, which may include:

Albinism complications

Complications includes skin disorders as well as social and emotional challenges.

Skin disorders

One of the most serious complications associated with albinism is the risk of sunburn and skin cancer.

Social and emotional factors

The reactions of other people to those with albinism can often have a negative impact on people with the condition.

All of these factors may contribute to social isolation, poor self-esteem and stress.

Diagnosis and test

A complete diagnostic workup includes:

A medical doctor specializing in vision and eye disorders (ophthalmologist) should conduct your child’s eye exam. The exam will include an assessment of potential nystagmus, strabismus, and photophobia. The doctor will also use a device to visually inspect the retina and determine if there are signs of abnormal development. A simple test can measure the brain waves produced when light or a reversing pattern is flashed into each eye. This can indicate the presence of misrouted optical nerves.

If your child has only one eye impairment, such as nystagmus, another condition may be the cause. Disorders other than this can affect skin pigmentation, but these don’t cause all of the visual problems associated with albinism.

Treatment and medications


If a family member has albinism, a genetic counselor can help you understand your chances of having a future child with albinism. He or she can also explain the available tests and help you figure out the pros and cons of testing for your family member.

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