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Ulcerative Colitis – Types, Complications, and Prevention.

What is ulcerative colitis?

Ulcerative colitis (UC) is an inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). IBD comprises a group of diseases that affect the gastrointestinal tract. Ulcerative colitis occurs when the lining of your large intestine (also called the colon), rectum, or both become inflamed.

This inflammation produces tiny sores called ulcers on the lining of your colon. It usually begins in the rectum and spreads upward. It can involve your entire colon. The inflammation causes your bowel to move its contents rapidly and empty frequently. As cells on the surface of the lining of your bowel die, ulcers form. The ulcers may cause bleeding and discharge of mucus and pus.

While this disease affects people of all ages, most people are diagnosed between the ages of 15 and 35. After age 50, another small increase in diagnosis for this disease is seen, usually in men.

Types of Ulcerative Colitis

Ulcerative Proctitis

In ulcerative proctitis, bowel inflammation is limited to the rectum. This condition typically affects less than six inches of the rectum, and it is not associated with an increased risk of cancer.

Symptoms may include:

Left-Sided Colitis

In this form of ulcerative colitis, continuous inflammation begins at the rectum and extends as far into the colon as the splenic flexure, which is a bend in the colon near the spleen. Left-sided colitis also includes proctosigmoiditis, which affects the rectum and the lower segment of colon located right above the rectum known as the sigmoid colon.

Symptoms may include:

Extensive Colitis

This type of ulcerative colitis affects the entire colon. Continuous inflammation begins at the rectum and extends beyond the splenic flexure.

Symptoms may include:

Pathophysiology of ulcerative colitis

Ulcerative colitis (UC) is a diffuse, nonspecific inflammatory disease whose etiology is unknown. [10] The colonic mucosa proximal from the rectum is persistently affected, frequently involving erosions and/or ulcers, as well as involving repeated cycles of relapse and remission and potential extraintestinal manifestations.

A variety of immunologic changes have been documented in ulcerative colitis. Subsets of T cells accumulate in the lamina propria of the diseased colonic segment. In patients with ulcerative colitis, these T cells are cytotoxic to the colonic epithelium. This change is accompanied by an increase in the population of B cells and plasma cells, with increased production of immunoglobulin G (IgG) and immunoglobulin E (IgE).

Anticolonic antibodies have been detected in patients with ulcerative colitis. A small proportion of patients with ulcerative colitis have antismooth muscle and anticytoskeletal antibodies.

Microscopically, acute and chronic inflammatory infiltrate of the lamina propria, crypt branching, and villous atrophy are present in ulcerative colitis. Microscopic changes also include inflammation of the crypts of Lieberkühn and abscesses. These findings are accompanied by a discharge of mucus from the goblet cells, the number of which is reduced as the disease progresses. The ulcerated areas are soon covered by granulation tissue. Excessive fibrosis is not a feature of the disease. The undermining of the mucosa and an excess of granulation tissue lead to the formation of polypoidal mucosal excrescences, which are known as inflammatory polyps or pseudopolyps.

Causes of ulcerative colitis

The exact causes of ulcerative colitis are unclear. However, they may involve the following:


About one-fifth of people with ulcerative colitis have a close relative who has the same condition, suggesting that it is heritable.


The following environmental factors might affect the onset of ulcerative colitis:

Immune system

The body might respond to a viral or bacterial infection in a way that causes the inflammation associated with ulcerative colitis.

Once the infection resolves, the immune system continues to respond, which leads to ongoing inflammation.

Another theory suggests that ulcerative colitis may be an autoimmune condition. A fault in the immune system may cause it to fight nonexistent infections, leading to inflammation in the colon.

Risk factors of ulcerative colitis

Ulcerative colitis affects about the same number of women and men. Risk factors may include:

Symptoms of ulcerative colitis

The main symptoms of ulcerative colitis are:

You may also experience extreme tiredness (fatigue), loss of appetite and weight loss.

The severity of the symptoms varies, depending on how much of the rectum and colon is inflamed and how severe the inflammation is.

For some people, the condition has a significant impact on their everyday lives.

Symptoms of a flare-up

Some people may go for weeks or months with very mild symptoms, or none at all (remission), followed by periods where the symptoms are particularly troublesome (flare-ups or relapses).

During a flare-up, some people with ulcerative colitis also experience symptoms elsewhere in their body.

For example, some people develop:

In severe cases, defined as having to empty your bowels 6 or more times a day, additional symptoms may include:

In most people, no specific trigger for flare-ups is identified, although a gut infection can occasionally be the cause. Stress is also thought to be a potential factor.

Complications of ulcerative colitis

Possible complications of ulcerative colitis include:

How is ulcerative colitis diagnosed?

A health care provider diagnoses ulcerative colitis with the following:

The health care provider may perform a series of medical tests to rule out other bowel disorders, such as irritable bowel syndrome, Crohn’s disease, or celiac disease that may cause symptoms similar to those of ulcerative colitis.

Medical and Family History

Taking a medical and family history can help the health care provider diagnose ulcerative colitis and understand a patient’s symptoms. The health care provider will also ask the patient about current and past medical conditions and medications.

Physical Exam

A physical exam may help diagnose ulcerative colitis. During a physical exam, the health care provider most often

Lab tests

Endoscopies of the Large Intestine

Treatment for ulcerative colitis

The goals of treatment are to:

During a severe episode, you may need to be treated in the hospital for severe attacks. Your doctor may prescribe corticosteroids. You may be given nutrients through a vein (IV line).

Diet and Nutrition

Certain types of foods may worsen diarrhea and gas symptoms. This problem may be more severe during times of active disease. Diet suggestions include:


Medicines that may be used to decrease the number of attacks include:


Surgery to remove the colon will cure ulcerative colitis and removes the threat of colon cancer. You may need surgery if you have:

Most of the time, the entire colon, including the rectum, is removed. After surgery, you may have:

Support Groups

Social support can often help with the stress of dealing with illness, and support group members may also have useful tips for finding the best treatment and coping with the condition.

How to prevent ulcerative colitis?


Although diet does not seem to play a role in causing ulcerative colitis, it can help control the condition.

The following advice may help:


Again, although stress does not cause ulcerative colitis, successfully managing your stress levels may reduce the frequency of symptoms. The following advice may help:

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