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Sweet Syndrome – Symptoms, complications, and Treatment.

Sweet syndrome – Overview

Sweet syndrome is a rare condition that involves a painful rash, typically along with a fever. The rash erupts mostly on the skin of the arms, neck, head, and trunk. The cause of Sweet’s syndrome isn’t fully known, but there are several typical scenarios in which it is known to occur.

Sweet syndrome

In some people, sweet syndrome seems to be triggered by an infection, or is possibly associated with inflammatory bowel disease and pregnancy; in others, it may be associated with cancer, most commonly acute myelogenous leukemia; still, others have a drug-induced form of Sweet’s syndrome.

Sweet’s syndrome may go away on its own, but it is commonly treated with corticosteroid pills, such as prednisone. Sweet’s syndrome is also known as acute febrile neutrophilic dermatosis or Gomm-Button disease.

Epidemiology of Sweet syndrome 

The sweet syndrome has no racial predilection. It is more common in females than males by a ratio of 3:1. Most cases have occurred between the ages of 30 and 50 years, however, reported age groups to range from 2 to 75 years.

Pathophysiology of Sweet syndrome

Types of Sweet syndrome

The condition is identified by three different types:




Sweet syndrome – Risk factors

Sweet’s syndrome is uncommon, but certain factors increase your risk, including:

Sex: In general, women are more likely to have Sweet’s syndrome than are men.

Age: Though older adults and even infants can develop Sweet’s syndrome, the condition mainly affects people between the ages of 30 and 60.

Cancer: Sweet’s syndrome is sometimes associated with cancer, most often leukemia. Sometimes, Sweet’s syndrome may be associated with a solid tumor, such as breast or colon cancer.

Other health problems: Sweet’s syndrome may follow an upper respiratory infection, and many people report having flu-like symptoms before the rash appears. Sweet’s syndrome can also be associated with inflammatory bowel disease.

Pregnancy: Some women develop Sweet’s syndrome during pregnancy.

Drug sensitivity: Sweet’s syndrome may result from sensitivity to medication. Drugs linked to Sweet’s syndrome include azathioprine (Azasan, Imuran), granulocyte colony-stimulating factor, certain antibiotics, and some nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

Causes of Sweet syndrome

The cause of Sweet syndrome is unknown. Doctors use three categories to classify Sweet syndrome:

Classical: The disorder occurs with other medical conditions like upper respiratory infections, pregnancy, or gastrointestinal infections.

Malignancy-associated: Sweet syndrome appears with certain types of cancer, like acute myeloid leukemia.

Drug-induced: Certain medications trigger Sweet syndrome. These include some antibiotics, like Bactrim, NSAIDS, and granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF), which stimulates your body to make neutrophils, a type of immune system cell.

Symptoms of Sweet Syndrome

Signs and symptoms of Sweet’s syndrome:

Erythematous plaques and nodules with central bullous changes on a child’s knee

Sweet’s syndrome in the pediatric population

Complications of Sweet syndrome

The possible complications of Sweet’s Syndrome include:

Diagnosis and Test

Tests that are useful in Sweet’s syndrome include:

Skin biopsy: This is an important test. A sample of the abnormal skin may be taken by your dermatologist. The skin sample is then examined under a microscope in the laboratory. It takes time for the sample to be processed and analyzed by a pathologist (specialist doctor) so you will not get the result on the day.

Blood tests such as high levels of a type of white blood cells called neutrophils can help to make a diagnosis of Sweet’s syndrome.

Imaging: Your doctor may recommend other blood tests or imaging studies such as X-rays or CT scans to look for an underlying cause of Sweet’s syndrome is suspected.

If a medication is thought to be responsible, your doctor may recommend stopping it for a while to see if this improves your symptoms

Treatment and medications for Sweet Syndrome

To speed up the healing process of Sweet syndrome, certain medications are needed. However, this condition may go away on its own without treatment.

Sweet’s syndrome can be treated by corticosteroids, which come in a variety of forms, including:

Corticosteroids ate not intended for long-term administration. Your doctor may prescribe some alternative medications which may include:

Prevention of Sweet syndrome

Protecting your skin from prolonged sun exposure is a good way to avoid recurrences of Sweet’s syndrome. According to the Mayo Clinic, good sun protection practices include the following:

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