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Stomach Polyps or Gastric Polyp- Definition,Types and Treatment


Polyps are the unusual growth of tissue in any organs of the body that has blood vessels. It grows mostly in colon, nose or uterus. Sometimes in the stomach. Stomach polyps are also called as gastric polyps, which develops masses of cells in the stomach lining. It doesn’t cause any symptoms and it is often found when your doctor diagnoses some other problem. Mostly it won’t become cancer, but in some cases, it may increase the risk of stomach cancer in forthcoming days. It is common at the age of 50 and above. Treatment will vary depending upon the type of stomach polyp that you have. Treatment may involve removing or monitoring the polyp for its changes.

Stomach polyps or Gastric polyps

Polyps in large intestine


The prevalence of stomach polyps varies worldwide. One US study found the gastric polyp prevalence of 4%. Mostly the fundic polys have more prevalence of about 80%. It is because the fundic polyps rise due to the intake of proton pump inhibitor for a long time and it may become the dominant type. Whereas the polys due to Helicobacter pylori gastritis (hyperplastic and adenomatous) has become less common.

Types of stomach polyps

Some main types of stomach polyps are as follows:

Gastric polyps types

Fundic gland polyps:  It is the most common type of gastric polyp present in upper endoscopy. These polyps can be sporadic or can be associated with an inherited polyposis syndrome.

Hyperplastic polyps: It is a rare and characterized by the development of multiple colorectal serrated lesions, most often a mixture of hyperplastic polyps and flat serrated adenomas. Patients with hyperplastic polyposis syndrome (HPS) have a high lifetime risk of developing colorectal cancer (up to 50%).

Adenomatous polyps: This type of polyps that can cause colon cancer. The growth is associated with DNA changes in the lining of the colon.

Inflammatory fibroid polyps: Inflammatory fibroid polyps (IFP) are benign mesenchymal tumors, which originate from the submucosa of the stomach or the small bowel. IFP occur rarely in the colon and in the esophagus.

Gastroneuro endocrine tumor polyps:  Formation of multiple polyp-like lesions sized 0.2–1.5 cm in the fundus and body of the stomach.

Gastrointestinal stromal tumor polyps: It is the common mesenchymal neoplasms in the gastrointestinal tract.

Leiomyoma polyps: It is the rare noncancerous lesion that forms in the large intestines. It will not increase the risk of developing colon cancer.

Risk factors

Risk factors for stomach polyps include:

Causes of stomach polyps

Stomach polyp is due to many reasons. Something that causes your stomach cells to grow unusually can lead to stomach polyps. Some other causes of stomach polyps include:

Some of the causes may increase your risk of other types of stomach polyps. For example, Helicobacter pylori may raise the risk of hyperplastic polyps and proton pump inhibitor medicines may raise the risk of fundic gland polyps.

Clinical manifestation and pathologic features

Usually, gastric polyp’s symptoms may appear in few of its types. The symptoms of each type are unique and different.

Hyperplastic polyps

Hyperplastic polyps are asymptomatic at starting stage. Hyperplastic polyp symptoms usually appear in late adulthood and discovered incidentally when an endoscopy is performed. In this type the symptoms in both men and women are same.

Fundic gland polyps

Fundic gland polyps are asymptomatic, exposed accidentally during endoscopy diagnosis.

Adenomatous polyps

Typically adenomatous polyps cause few symptoms as follows.

Inflammatory fibroid polyps

Most of the inflammatory fibroid are asymptomatic but larger size polyps cause few symptoms as follows.

Gastroneuro endocrine tumor polyps

Gastrointestinal stromal tumor polyps

Leiomyoma polyps

Complications of stomach polyps

Diagnosis and Examination

Colonoscopy: It is performed when the patient is sedated to visualize the polyps that present in large intestine, rectum, and colon. A tube with a camera at its end is inserted through the anus and your doctor visualizes the presence of polyps.

Polyp Biopsy:  To determine whether the polyp is cancerous or not, a sample of tissue from the polyps is removed for pathology study. Esophagogastroduodenoscopy (EGD) is performed to take a small tissue sample from the polyps that are located in the stomach.

Barium enema: In this procedure, liquid barium is injected into the stomach through the mouth and special X-ray is used to visualize the presence of polyps. Since polyps are dark enough, it appears as white in color in the X-ray image.

Stool test: Your doctor will prescribe for stool test in which the stool sample is microscopically examined to find any blood in your stool. Blood in the stool is a sign of stomach polyps.

CT colonography: CT scan is used in this procedure to get an image of colon polyps. This technique combines the images of rectum and colon to get a 2D or 3D image. Finally, it can show ulcers, swollen tissues around the polyps.

Treatment and medications

Treatment for gastric polyps depends on the type of polyp. The most preferred method for the polyp’s treatment is endoscopy.


Polypectomy: Adenomatous polyps, gastrointestinal stromal tumor polyps, gastroneuro endocrine tumor polyps, and largely sized polyps with more than 2cm are removed through a surgery.

Anti HP treatment: To reduce the H. Pylori (HP) which causes infection in the stomach antibiotics can be used to reduce gastritis generated by H.pylori because it is responsible for gastritis. 10 days to 2 weeks of one or two effective antibiotics, such as amoxicillin, tetracycline (not to be used for children <12 yrs.), metronidazole, or clarithromycin, plus either ranitidine bismuth citrate, bismuth subsalicylate, or a proton pump inhibitor.

Herbal treatment for polyp

Aloe vera: Aloe vera possesses good antibacterial and anti-inflammatory activity. Take 2 tablespoons of Aloe Vera juice daily.

Cranberry: cranberry is a rich source of vitamin C, which helps in fighting against stomach polyps. Take 7 to 10 cranberries daily or a cup of cranberry juice every day.

Cayenne: Cayenne relief the pain associated with polyps in the stomach. Take one cayenne capsule every day.

Garlic: Since garlic is rich in antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, daily consumption of garlic reduces the inflammation produced due to the polyps. Peel 3-5 garlic pieces and smash it using some wooden tool thoroughly. Then keep it out from contamination of metals and leave it 15 minutes undisturbed. Consume it with a glass of water daily.

Goldenseal: it is a masterpiece in reducing the ulcer, stomach polyps, and colon polyps. Take one goldenseal capsule daily. It acts well in reducing pain and inflammation.

Prevention of stomach polyps

– Changes in routine bowel movements

– Abdominal cramps

– Unexplained, significant weight loss (>10%)

– Blood in your stool

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