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Jock Itch – Causes, Symtoms, Treatment, and Prevention.


Jock itch is a common, itchy rash of the groin. It is also termed as ‘Tinea Cruris’. It can produce a very intense itch and is associated with a red or pink rash involving the groin folds and genitals. It is primarily a skin condition in men because of anatomic structures unique to males, the male genitalia.

Jock itch

The symptoms and signs may come and go, and many cases of jock itch resolve spontaneously without any treatment. It is primarily seen in the groin, although it may spread to the inner thighs, genitals (including penis, scrotum, labia, and vaginal opening), and anus. It causes a red or pink rash on the sides of the groin folds. There may be a dry, scaly, well-demarcated rash or a collection of small, pinpoint red or pink bumps at each hair follicle. This form of eruption is often called ringworm because of its well-defined red edge with central clearing. The medical term for ringworm of the groin is Tinea cruris, and it is caused by a fungal infection.

Epidemiology of Jock Itch


Tinea cruris has a worldwide distribution but is found more commonly in hot humid climates.


Tinea cruris is 3 times more common in men than in women.


Adults are affected by tinea cruris much more commonly than are children. However, the prevalence of several risk factors for tinea cruris, such as obesity and diabetes mellitus, is rapidly increasing among adolescents.

Risk factors

People with increased risk for tinea cruris are those who often spend a lot of time sweating due to exercise or their weight.

Other risk factors include the following:

Gender: Men are more likely than women to develop tinea cruris

Weight: Overweight people have more skin folds, which are the best climate for fungal infections including jock itch to occur

Sweating profusely: If a person sweats a lot, their skin is more suited for fungus to grow

Age: Teenagers are more likely to develop tinea cruris

Wearing tight clothing and underwear: Tight fabrics trap moisture against skin and create a prime environment for fungus to grow

Having a weak immune system: People with weakened immune systems are more likely to develop fungal infections like jock itch than others

Having diabetes: People with diabetes are more prone to skin infections including jock itch

Causes of Jock Itch

Jock itch is caused by a group of fungi called dermatophytes. These fungi naturally live on your skin and normally don’t cause problems. However, when you remain in sweat-soaked clothes after exercising, the lengthy exposure to moisture can allow the fungi to multiply quickly. When you have an overgrowth of dermatophytes in your groin area, it causes the infection known as jock itch.

The fungus that causes jock itch is highly contagious. You may get the fungal infection through close personal contact with an infected person or through contact with the unwashed clothing of an infected person.

The term “jock itch” may give the impression that only athletes develop the infection, but it can occur in anyone. Those who are overweight are more likely to experience jock itch because the fungus can thrive in folds of skin, which are prone to sweating. As a preventive measure, it’s important to wash with soap and water in your groin and armpit areas daily. It may also be triggered by prolonged exposure to moisture and friction from clothes.


Common symptoms include:

Jock itch in groin

Complications of Jock Itch

Diagnosis and test

In many cases, your doctor can diagnose jock itch simply by looking at the rash. If the diagnosis isn’t clear cut, your doctor may take skin scrapings or samples from the infected area and view them under a microscope. To rule out other conditions, your doctor might send a sample of the rash to a lab. This test is known as a culture.

Treatment and medications

In most cases, jock itch can be treated at home effectively. You can try the following remedies to get rid of the infection:


If you do have jock itch, but it’s not responding to over-the-counter medications and home remedies, your doctor may prescribe something stronger. Possible medications include:

Oral antifungal medications may cause unpleasant side effects, such as upset stomach and headaches. If you experience any of these side effects, make sure to discuss them with your doctor.

Spreading the infection

Jock itch is very contagious so do be aware of others while you are infected. It’s best not to share clothes, towels or bed sheets that way you avoid spreading your infection to those close to you. Also, it’s best to use different towels for your groin and the rest of your body and remember to always wash your hands after applying any treatment. Doing so will help prevent your infection spreading to other parts of your body

Prevention of Jock Itch

Jock itch has a tendency to keep coming back, much like athlete’s foot and related fungal infections. Preventing it in the first place with some easy changes can help to keep it at bay.

To reduce the risk of jock itch, following these tips can help:

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