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Heat Stroke – Definition, Causes, and Prevention.

Overview – Heat stroke

Heat stroke is a form of hyperthermia or heat-related illness, an abnormally elevated body temperature with accompanying physical symptoms including changes in the nervous system function. Unlike heat cramps and heat exhaustion, two other forms of hyperthermia that are less severe, heat stroke is a true medical emergency that is often fatal if not properly and promptly treated. Heat stroke is also sometimes referred to as heatstroke or sun stroke. Severe hyperthermia is defined as a body temperature of 104 F (40 C) or higher.

The body normally generates heat as a result of metabolism and is usually able to dissipate the heat by radiation of heat through the skin or by evaporation of sweat. However, in extreme heat, high humidity, or vigorous physical exertion under the sun, the body may not be able to sufficiently dissipate the heat and the body temperature rises, sometimes up to 106 F (41.1 C) or higher. Another cause of heat stroke is dehydration. A dehydrated person may not be able to sweat fast enough to dissipate heat, which causes the body temperature to rise.

Heat stroke is not the same as a stroke. “Stroke” is the general term used to describe decreased oxygen flow to an area of the brain.

Heat stroke – Pathophysiology

Despite wide variations in ambient temperatures, humans and other mammals can maintain constant body temperature by balancing heat gain with heat loss. When heat gain overwhelms the body’s mechanisms of heat loss, the body temperature rises, potentially leading to heat stroke. Excessive heat denatures proteins, destabilizes phospholipids and lipoproteins, and liquefies membrane lipids, leading to cardiovascular collapse, multiorgan failure, and, ultimately, death.

The exact temperature at which cardiovascular collapse occurs varies among individuals because coexisting disease, drugs, and other factors may contribute to or delay organ dysfunction. Full recovery has been observed in patients with temperatures as high as 46°C, and death has occurred in patients with much lower temperatures. Temperatures exceeding 106°F or 41.1°C generally are catastrophic and require immediate aggressive therapy.

Heat may be acquired by a number of different mechanisms. At rest, basal metabolic processes produce approximately 100 kcal of heat per hour or 1 kcal/kg/h. These reactions can raise the body temperature by 1.1°C/h if the heat-dissipating mechanisms are nonfunctional. Strenuous physical activity can increase heat production more than 10-fold, to levels exceeding 1000 kcal/h. Similarly, fever, shivering, tremors, convulsions, thyrotoxicosis, sepsis, sympathomimetic drugs, and many other conditions can increase heat production, thereby increasing body temperature.

Causes of heat stroke

There are many factors which can cause heat stroke and heat-related illness, including:

Some drugs, such as ecstasy and speed, also raise the body’s temperature, which can lead to heat stroke.

Risk factors of heat stroke

Certain factors can increase your risk for heat exhaustion and heat stroke, though anyone can develop either condition.

The following factors can increase your risk for heat sensitivity:

Symptoms and Signs

Heatstroke signs and symptoms include:

Complications of heat stroke

Heatstroke can result in a number of complications, depending on how long the body temperature is high. Severe complications include:

Diagnosis of heat stroke

It’s usually apparent to doctors if you have heat stroke, but laboratory tests can confirm the diagnosis, rule out other causes for your symptoms, and assess organ damage. These tests include:

Rectal temperature to check your core body temperature. A rectal temperature is the most accurate way of determining your core body temperature and is more accurate than mouth or forehead temperatures.

A blood test to check blood sodium or potassium and the content of gases in your blood to see if there’s been damage to your central nervous system.

A urine test to check the color of your urine, because it’s usually darker if you have a heat related condition, and to check your kidney function, which can be affected by heatstroke.

Muscle function tests to check for serious damage to your muscle tissue (rhabdomyolysis).

X-rays and other imaging tests to check for damage to your internal organs.

Treatment and Medications

4 First aid treatments for heat stroke

Victims of heat stroke must receive immediate treatment to avoid permanent organ damage. First and foremost, cool the victim.

Heatstroke treatment centers on cooling your body to a normal temperature to prevent or reduce damage to your brain and vital organs. To do this, your doctor may take these steps:

Can heatstroke be prevented or avoided?

There are many things you can do to prevent heat-related illnesses. Babies, children, and elderly people are more sensitive to heat and require extra attention. Don’t go outside when the temperature and heat index are high. If possible, stay indoors in air-conditioned areas. If you must go outside, take the following precautions.

Certain medicines can put you in danger of heatstroke. They affect the way your body reacts to heat. Talk to your doctor if you take any of these or have an ongoing health problem. They can help you manage the heat with your condition.

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