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Bowel Incontinence or Fecal Incontinence – Causes and Prevention.

What is Bowel Incontinence?

Bowel Incontinence – also called fecal incontinence – is the term used when bowel movements cannot be controlled. Stool (feces/waste/poop) leaks out of the rectum when you don’t want it too, which means not during planned bathroom breaks. This leakage occurs with or without your knowledge. Fecal incontinence happens more often in women than in men and also happens more often among older people.

The term bowel incontinence is used if any of these situations occur:


Fecal continence is maintained by the structural and functional integrity of the anorectal unit. Normal anal sphincter function is a critical part of continence. The anal sphincter is comprised of 2 components: the internal anal sphincter (IAS), which is a 0.3-0.5 cm expansion of the circular smooth muscle layer of the rectum and the external anal sphincter (EAS), a 0.6-1.0 cm expansion of the levator ani muscles. The IAS is chiefly responsible for maintaining continence at rest and contributes approximately 70-80% of the resting sphincter tone. This barrier is reinforced during voluntary squeeze by the EAS, the anal mucosal folds, and the anal endovascular cushions.

These barriers are further augmented by the puborectalis muscle, which forms a sling around the rectum and creates a forward pull to reinforce the anorectal angle. The anorectal angle, which is approximately 90 degrees at rest, is created as the rectum perforates the levator complex. During voluntary squeeze, the angle becomes more acute, whereas during defecation, the angle becomes more obtuse. Innervation of the EAS is from the pudendal nerve, a mixed motor and sensory nerve that arises from the second, third, and fourth sacral nerves (S2, S3, and S4). Innervation of the puborectalis arises more directly from the sacral nerves listed above.

When defecation is desired, the anorectal angle straightens (which is facilitated by squatting or sitting), and abdominal pressure is increased by straining. This results in descent of the pelvic floor, contraction of the rectum, inhibition of the external anal sphincter, and subsequent evacuation of the rectal contents.

If evacuation of the rectum is not socially appropriate, sympathetically mediated inhibition of the smooth muscle of the rectum and voluntary contraction of EAS and puborectalis musculature occur. The anorectal angle becomes more acute and prevents the bolus of stool from descending further. The contents of the rectum are forced back into the compliant rectal reservoir above the levators, which allows the IAS to recover and contract again. A decrease in the compliance of this rectal reservoir has been associated with fecal urgency and anal incontinence. The exact mechanism of this is unclear and debate continues as to whether it is a cause or result of anal incontinence.

In essence, any process that interferes with these mechanisms, including trauma from vaginal delivery or a neurological insult, can result in fecal incontinence.

Causes of Bowel Incontinence

Reasons people have bowel incontinence include:

Who is at risk for fecal incontinence?

Anyone can experience fecal incontinence, but certain people are more likely to get it than others. You may be at risk if:


Conditions that lead to fecal incontinence can also cause abdominal pain.

Accidental fecal leakage normally only affects adults when they have severe diarrhea.

Chronic fecal incontinence can involve frequent or occasional accidental leakage, an inability to hold in gas, silent leakage of feces during daily activities or exertion, or not reaching the bathroom in time.

Two types of bowel incontinence are:

The type of stools passed during bowel incontinence can vary:

Episodes may occur daily, weekly, or monthly.

Other signs and symptoms may include:

Fecal incontinence can be a relatively small problem, resulting in the occasional soiling of underwear, or it can be devastating, with a total lack of bowel control.

What are possible complications of fecal incontinence?

Complications are problems caused by your condition. With fecal incontinence, complications may include:

Diagnosis of Bowel Incontinence

Discussing bowel incontinence can provide clues for a doctor to help make the diagnosis. During a physical examination, a doctor may check the strength of the anal sphincter muscle using a gloved finger inserted into the rectum.

Other tests may be helpful in identifying the cause of bowel incontinence, such as:

Stool testing. If diarrhea is present, stool testing may identify an infection or other cause.

Endoscopy. A tube with a camera on its tip is inserted into the anus. This identifies any potential problems in the anal canal or colon. A short, rigid tube (anoscopy) or a longer, flexible tube (sigmoidoscopy or colonoscopy) may be used.

Anorectal manometry. A pressure monitor is inserted into the anus and rectum. This allows measurement of the strength of the sphincter muscles.

Endosonography. An ultrasound probe is inserted into the anus. This produces images that can help identify problems in the anal and rectal walls.

Nerve tests. These tests measure the responsiveness of the nerves controlling the sphincter muscles. They can detect nerve damage that can cause bowel incontinence.

MRI defecography. Magnetic resonance imaging of the pelvis can be performed, potentially while a person moves their bowels on a special commode. This can provide information about the muscles and supporting structures in the anus, rectum, and pelvis.

Balloon expulsion test. This is where your health care provider inserts a small balloon filled with water into your rectum. You’ll then go to the bathroom and push out the balloon. If it takes longer than 3 minutes, you may have trouble passing stools.

Colonoscopy. Your health care provider will insert a flexible tube into your rectum to closely examine your colon.

Treatment of Bowel Incontinence

Your doctor will need to evaluate your symptoms and advise whether you need to be screened for colorectal cancer before you begin any home remedies. In addition, he or she can recommend the home remedies that are most effective for your specific condition.

While there are supplements for everything these days, Dr. Marines recommends starting with a few tried-and-true home remedies to relieve symptoms of bowel incontinence:

The key thing to know about these home remedies is that they’re not a substitute for speaking with your doctor — these are just the things you can try before it’s time to consider more time-consuming or advanced treatment options.


Depending on the cause of fecal incontinence, options include:

Exercise and other therapies

If muscle damage is causing fecal incontinence, your doctor may recommend a program of exercise and other therapies to restore muscle strength. These treatments can improve anal sphincter control and the awareness of the urge to defecate.

Options include:

Hold the contraction for three seconds, then relax for three seconds. Repeat this pattern 10 times. As your muscles strengthen, hold the contraction longer, gradually working your way up to three sets of 10 contractions every day.


Treating fecal incontinence may require surgery to correct an underlying problem, such as rectal prolapse or sphincter damage caused by childbirth. The options include:

Dietary changes

You may be able to gain better control of your bowel movements by:

Keeping track of what you eat. What you eat and drink affects the consistency of your stools. Make a list of what you eat for a few days. You may discover a connection between certain foods and your bouts of incontinence. Once you’ve identified problem foods, stop eating them and see if your incontinence improves.

Foods that can cause diarrhea or gas and worsen fecal incontinence include spicy foods, fatty and greasy foods, and dairy products (if you’re lactose intolerant). Caffeine-containing beverages and alcohol also can act as laxatives, as can products such as sugar-free gum and diet soda, which contain artificial sweeteners.

Getting adequate fiber. If constipation is causing fecal incontinence, your doctor may recommend eating fiber-rich foods. Fiber helps make stool soft and easier to control. If diarrhea is contributing to the problem, high-fiber foods can also add bulk to your stools and make them less watery.

Fiber is predominately present in fruits, vegetables, and whole-grain breads and cereals. Aim for 25 grams of fiber a day or more, but don’t add it to your diet all at once. Too much fiber suddenly can cause uncomfortable bloating and gas.

Drink more water. To keep stools soft and formed, drink at least eight glasses of liquid, preferably water, a day.

Skin care

You can help avoid further discomfort from fecal incontinence by keeping the skin around your anus as clean and dry as possible. To relieve anal discomfort and eliminate any possible odor associated with fecal incontinence:

Prevention of Bowel Incontinence

To prevent bowel incontinence, or reduce the severity of symptoms people are advised to:

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