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Baby acne – Causes, Types, Treatment and Prevention


Baby acne is just like the acne that many suffer from their teens and twenties. Baby acne can pop up anywhere on your newborn’s body, but it’s most often seen on their cheeks and back. Baby acne is also known as neonatal acne. The condition, which is usually treatable, occurs in about 30 percent of newborns. It is different from infantile acne in that open “blackheads” don’t usually appear in baby acne.

This skin condition normally becomes visible within two to four weeks of your baby’s birth. That said, some newborns have acne when they’re born. It may also affect infants at any point during their first several months of life.

Baby acne


Infantile acne is relatively uncommon and affects less than 2% of children. Relatively recent data derived from the outpatient pediatric population of the United States from 2000 to 2010 revealed that approximately 9.2 million ambulatory clinical visits each year were attributed to pediatric acne alone, with neonatal and infantile acne accounting for 3% of all cases. Infantile acne can affect either sex but has a higher predominance in males.

Types of Baby acne

There are two types of acne occurring in babies: Neonatal acne and infantile acne.

Neonatal acne

If your baby has acne before six weeks of age, doctors refer to it as neonatal acne. About 20 percent of newborns develop this type, and it mostly affects boys. Some may even have it from the moment they enter the world.

Doctors, nonetheless, don’t consider this true acne, but more on that below.

Neonatal acne generally appears on the face on the forehead, cheeks, and chin. Sometimes it runs down the back or chest.

The affected areas may look bumpy and oily, much like they would on an adult. Still, the breakouts can also simply appear as small red dots.

Infantile acne

If your baby is between three and 16 months, doctors call it infantile acne. This type is less common, affecting approximately 2 percent of babies. But, much like neonatal acne, boys are more likely to develop it.

Infantile acne is a bit different from the baby acne most of us know. Your baby may still have red and whitish bulges, but blackheads and nodules can also appear. These typically surface in clusters, and the bumps may contain pus.

Infantile acne usually runs its course. However, in rare cases, it can be persistent and difficult to get rid of. And unlike neonatal, this type is generally viewed as true acne.

Causes of Baby acne

When your new-born baby is around 2 to 5 weeks old you may start to see small pimples on his face, usually on his cheeks, nose, eyelids, chin, and/or forehead. Baby acne is also referred to as neonatal acne and is common about 3 in 10 babies get it.

Experts are not exactly sure what causes baby acne, but it could be due to one of the following:

Baby acne has nothing to do with the type of acne that a teenager may experience.

Baby acne symptoms

It is temporary and typically develops within two to four weeks after an infant is born and lasts several days or weeks. In some cases, baby acne can last for several months.

Symptoms of baby acne, which may be more pronounced when a baby is crying or fussy, include:


What if it’s not baby acne?

There are some skin conditions that can mimic baby acne. Here are some of the most common:

Milia: These are tiny white bumps that tend to show up about the same time as baby acne. They’re caused by skin flakes getting trapped near the surface of the skin, usually on the nose, chin, or cheeks. These are also harmless and do not require any treatment.

Erythema toxicum: This is a larger red area with overlying white or yellow bumps. It tends to appear in the first 1-2 weeks of life and goes away within a week or so without any treatment.

Eczema: This is a red, scaly, bumpy rash that may appear flaky. It shows up on baby’s faces but can also be anywhere else on the body, especially on the knees and outside of elbows. It tends to be quite itchy.

Heat rash: This is caused by blocked pores trapping sweat under the skin. It tends to happen in areas that get hot and sweaty, such as the neck, arm pits, and creases of elbows, knees, wrists, and feet.

Cradle cap: The scalp is where you are most likely to find cradle cap, which looks like scaly or crusty patches. They tend to look greasy and might be white or yellow.

Diagnosis and test

In most babies with acne, no investigations are necessary. In older children, or if there are other signs of virilisation, the following screening tests may be useful.


The best way to deal with baby acne is simply to be patient, and not apply or do anything that could make your baby’s acne worse. After all, baby acne should eventually  clear up on its own.

Follow these tips for caring for baby’s acne:

Prevention of Baby acne

Some of the things you can do to prevent baby acne or at least keep it from getting worse:

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